7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Clearing Diversity-Preserving Mechanism

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    Clearing is a niching method inspired by the principle of assigning the available resources among a subpopulation to a single individual. The clearing procedure supplies these resources only to the best individual of each subpopulation: the winner. So far, its analysis has been focused on experimental approaches that have shown that clearing is a powerful diversity mechanism. We use empirical analysis to highlight some of the characteristics that makes it a useful mechanism and runtime analysis to explain how and why it is a powerful method. We prove that a (mu+1) EA with large enough population size and a phenotypic distance function always succeeds in optimising all functions of unitation for small niches in polynomial time, while a genotypic distance function requires exponential time. Finally, we prove that a (mu+1) EA with phenotypic and genotypic distances is able to find both optima in TWOMAX for large niches in polynomial expected time

    Runtime analysis of crowding mechanisms for multimodal optimisation

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    Many real-world optimisation problems lead to multimodal domains and require the identification of multiple optima. Crowding methods have been developed to maintain population diversity, to investigate many peaks in parallel and to reduce genetic drift. We present the first rigorous runtime analyses of probabilistic crowding and generalised crowding, embedded in a (mu+1)EA. In probabilistic crowding the offspring compete with their parent in a fitness-proportional selection. Generalised crowding decreases the fitness of the inferior solution by a scaling factor during selection. We consider the bimodal function TwoMax and introduce a novel and natural notion for functions with bounded gradients. For a broad range of such functions we prove that probabilistic crowding needs exponential time with overwhelming probability to find solutions significantly closer to any global optimum than those found by random search. Even when the fitness function is scaled exponentially, probabilistic crowding still fails badly. Only if the exponential's base is linear in the problem size, probabilistic crowding becomes efficient on TwoMax. A similar threshold behaviour holds for generalised crowding on TwoMax with respect to the scaling factor. Our theoretical results are accompanied by experiments for TwoMax showing that the threshold behaviours also apply to the best fitness found

    Empirical analysis of diversity-preserving mechanisms on example landscapes for multimodal optimisation

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    Many diversity-preserving mechanisms have been developed to reduce the risk of premature convergence in evolutionary algorithms and it is not clear which mechanism is best. Most multimodal optimisation problems studied empirically are restricted to real-parameter problems and are not accessible to theoretical analysis, while theoreticians analyse the simple bimodal function TwoMax. This paper looks to narrow the gap between both approaches. We perform an extensive empirical study involving 9 common diversity mechanisms on Jansen-Zarges multimodal function classes (Jansen and Zarges, PPSN 2016) that allow to control important problem features while still being amenable to theoretical analysis. This allows us to study functions with various degrees of multimodality and to explain the results in the light of previous theoretical works. We show which mechanisms are able to find and maintain a large number of distant optima, escape from local optima, and which fail to locate even a single peak

    Speeding Up Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation Through Diversity-Based Parent Selection

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    Parent selection in evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimization is usually performed by dominance mechanisms or indicator functions that prefer non-dominated points, while the reproduction phase involves the application of diversity mechanisms or other methods to achieve a good spread of the population along the Pareto front. We propose to refine the parent selection on evolutionary multi-objective optimization with diversity-based metrics. The aim is to focus on individuals with a high diversity contribution located in poorly explored areas of the search space, so the chances of creating new non-dominated individuals are better than in highly populated areas. We show by means of rigorous runtime analysis that the use of diversity-based parent selection mechanisms in the Simple Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimiser (SEMO) and Global SEMO for the well known bi-objective functions OneMinMax and Lotz can significantly improve their performance. Our theoretical results are accompanied by additional experiments that show a correspondence between theory and empirical results

    On the utilization of pair-potential energy functions in multi-objective optimization

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    In evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO), the pair-potential energy functions (PPFs) have been used to construct diversity-preserving mechanisms to improve Pareto front approximations. Despite PPFs have shown promising results when dealing with different Pareto front geometries, there are still some open research questions to improve the way we employ them. In this paper, we answer three important questions: (1) what is the effect of a crucial parameter of some PPFs?, (2) how do we set the optimal parameter value?, and (3) what is the best PPF in EMO? To solve these questions, we designed a brand-new fast algorithm to generate an approximate solution to a PPF-based subset selection problem and, then, we conducted a comprehensive parametrical study to predict the optimal parameter values using a deep neural network. To show the effectiveness of the PPF-based diversity-preserving mechanisms, we selected two application cases: the generation of reference point sets of benchmark problems (DTLZ, WFG, IDTLZ, IWFG, IMOP, and Viennet) with different Pareto front shapes, and the definition of a PPF-based archive that can be coupled to any multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to construct well-diversified Pareto front approximations. Using several diversity indicators, it is shown that the utilization of PPF-based mechanisms lead to good Pareto front approximations regardless of the Pareto front shape

    Design and analysis of diversity-based parent selection schemes for speeding up evolutionary multi-objective optimisation

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    Parent selection in evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimisation is usually performed by dominance mechanisms or indicator functions that prefer non-dominated points. We propose to refine the parent selection on evolutionary multi-objective optimisation with diversity-based metrics. The aim is to focus on individuals with a high diversity contribution located in poorly explored areas of the search space, so the chances of creating new non-dominated individuals are better than in highly populated areas. We show by means of rigorous runtime analysis that the use of diversity-based parent selection mechanisms in the Simple Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimiser (SEMO) and Global SEMO for the well known bi-objective functions OneMinMax and LOTZ can significantly improve their performance. Our theoretical results are accompanied by experimental studies that show a correspondence between theory and empirical results and motivate further theoretical investigations in terms of stagnation. We show that stagnation might occur when favouring individuals with a high diversity contribution in the parent selection step and provide a discussion on which scheme to use for more complex problems based on our theoretical and experimental results

    On the Runtime Analysis of the Clearing Diversity-Preserving Mechanism

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    Clearing is a niching method inspired by the principle of assigning the available resources among a niche to a single individual. The clearing procedure supplies these resources only to the best individual of each niche: the winner. So far, its analysis has been focused on experimental approaches that have shown that clearing is a powerful diversity-preserving mechanism. Using rigorous runtime analysis to explain how and why it is a powerful method, we prove that a mutation-based evolutionary algorithm with a large enough population size, and a phenotypic distance function always succeeds in optimising all functions of unitation for small niches in polynomial time, while a genotypic distance function requires exponential time. Finally, we prove that with phenotypic and genotypic distances clearing is able to find both optima for Twomax and several general classes of bimodal functions in polynomial expected time. We use empirical analysis to highlight some of the characteristics that makes it a useful mechanism and to support the theoretical results